To import products into GS1 US Data Hub that already have GTINs assigned, perhaps from another system (or if you prefer to type in available GTINs manually to new products), follow these steps:
Import Products with GTINs Already Assigned
This link is displayed on the top left of the main Products screen.
You can download one of three templates.
This template does not include any pre-populated product or GTIN information.
Headings that are green-colored are required. Use the drop-down for certain columns to select valid values.
Note: Are you pasting information from another spreadsheet? Select "Paste as Values" to preserve the formatting of this template.
Action: Select "Create".
GS1CompanyPrefix: Enter the GS1 Company Prefix, as noted on your certificate.
GTIN: Enter the GTINs in 14 digits, with two leading zeroes.
Note: if you licensed a GS1 Company Prefix for GTIN-13s, enter the GTIN-13 with one leading zero.
PackagingLevel: Select "Each" to indicate these are individual trade items sold to consumers. Learn more about the other Packaging Level Definitions. To learn how to import higher level packaging, view the Product Import: Higher Level Packaging module.
Description: Enter the product description for your trading partners (as opposed to consumers). A best practice is to include: brand name, type of product, variation (color, flavor, scent, etc), and net contents. For example, “Tasty Harvest Jam Raspberry 20 oz.” There is a 200-character limit. Avoid the use of special characters, such as the pipe "|" and line breaks "CR/LF".
Desc1Language: Select "en" for English.
BrandName: Enter the brand name you want to convey to consumers. The Brand Name must be consistent across products, and is case sensitive. It cannot have multiple spellings. This field is limited to 70 characters.
Brand1Language: Select "en" for English.
Status: If you are sharing the product with consumers and trading partners, select In Use from the drop-down. If product details are still being finalized, and the products are not ready to be viewed by the marketplace, select PreMarket. At a later date, after you have finalized date and you're ready to share with the marketplace, you can change the status of these items to In Use.
Industry: "CPG" indicates Consumer Packaged Goods; General indicates "General Merchandise".
IsVariable: Select "N", meaning this product is not a variable measure trade item.
IsPurchasable: Select "Y," meaning this product can be purchased by consumers.
Click the Import/Modify Products tab. You can drag and drop the file into the gray upload box, or click Browse Files. Locate the updated file on your computer and click “Open.” The file name displays in the File Input field. Click the Import Products button.
At the bottom of the Import screen, "Complete" will display in the Status column when the file has been processed. Click the Refresh Table button every minute or so after you submit the file to update the Status.
The # Processed column displays the number of records that were processed. The # Successful column displays the number of records that were imported.
The # Errors displays any records that had errors and were not processed.
If a number other than zero (0) displays in the # Errors column, click the File Name column to open the "results" file and view the errors in Column B of the spreadsheet.
The Product Import User Guide, Appendix B, contains a list of error messages and corrective actions you can take. You should make the correction back in the original template you saved on your computer. Remove all the rows for the products that were successfully imported, save the update file to your computer, then submit the file again.