GS1 US Data Hub Help Center: All Assets
The following Help Center assets are grouped by major topic.
Packaging Levels:
Article | Instructional Module
Create a Case and Generate a Barcode:
Article | Instructional Module | User Guide (PDF)
Single GLN Subscribers:
Publish Your Single GLN:
Article | Instructional Module
GS1 Company Prefix GLN Subscribers:
Getting Started with GLNs (PDF)
Managed GLN Subscribers:
Healthcare: GLNs from GPOs or Wholesale Distributors
GLN Attribute Definitions:
Managed GLN Subscription Resources
Location User Guide for Managed GLN Subscribers (PDF)
Update Multiple Locations at Once:
Article | Instructional Module
Location View/Use:
Article | Instructional Module
Self-Managed Checklist:
Article | Self-Managed Checklist (PDF) | Instructional Module
Import Products and Assign GTINs:
Article | Instructional Module | User Guide (PDF)
Import Products with GTINs Already Assigned
How to Import Higher Level Packaging (Instructional Module)
Product Import: Correcting Errors
Import from GDSN (Enterprise Settings)
Import GLNs:
Location Data Quality:
Product Data Quality:
Selecting a Status for a Product