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GS1 US Data Hub Help Center

Enterprise Settings

GS1 US Data Hub provides Enterprise Settings, located in the Administration section, so that a brand owner can verify the accuracy of product data being shared via the Global Data Synchronization Network (GDSN®).

Follow these steps to import your company's product data from the Global Data Synchronization Network (GDSN), so it can be verified by GS1 US Data Hub:

Note: you will need to know your company's Information Provider (IP) GLN for your data pool.

a. Click the Administration link, then the GDSN Settings link. The GDSN Settings page displays.

b. Click the Setup IP GLN Import button.  The Import Information Provider GLN Data shelf displays. 

c. Enter the IP GLN that has been designated for this GDSN request. The Recipient GLN that is provided on the screen. This GLN is always 13 digits.

Note: within some data pools, the “GS1 US Enterprises 3” IP GLN may display as “GS1 US – Verified by GS1.”

Optional: To have product changes made in GDSN updated twice a day in GS1 US Data Hub, check the box for Use this IP GLN for daily synchronization with GDSN.

d. Click Submit

The report will be generated, and will be available at the bottom of the screen. 

e. Click GDSN Reports to view results. View the next section below to learn about the information in this spreadsheet.

Note: any product with packaging levels that are supported in GS1 US Data Hub will be imported. View the Packaging Levels article for details.

Visit the Administration section, then click GDSN Results.

The most recent report generated is listed at the top of the screen. Click the “File Name” to download and view the spreadsheet. You can use the filtering fields (Completion Date and IP GLN) to narrow the reports that are displayed.

Reports are removed from this screen after 90 days. The Summary of Results tab displays.

The Summary of Results tab presents a high-level summary of the data that was imported into GS1 US Data Hub. The remaining tabs are described below.

GDSN Results Tabs

GDSN Exclusion Details Tab: 

This tab displays any products that were excluded from being imported into GS1 US Data Hub from GDSN. Here are the error messages that may display in the Information column.

Non-14-digit U.P.C item – the item has not been assigned a 14-digit GTIN. A 12-digit U.P.C item can be made 14 digits by adding two zeroes to the front of the 12 digits.

Not a consumer unit – GS1 US Data Hub accepts the following packaging levels: Each, Case as Each, Inner Pack, Case, Mixed Case, Pallet, Mixed Pallet and Display Shipper. However, if the GTIN’s GDSN packaging level is Mixed Module or Transport Load, then this message displays, indicating that this GTIN was not accepted into GS1 US Data Hub.

Non-US Issued prefix – the item contains a GS1 Company Prefix that was obtained outside of the United States. Note that because GS1 member companies can manufacture products anywhere in the world, GS1 Company Prefixes do not identify the country of origin for a given product.

Random Weight – The value of Net Weight must be a fixed value. When this message displays, multiple weight values were detected for this GTIN.

Company Internal Use Only – This product is only used for internal purposes.

Coupons – This product is a coupon and not valid for GS1 US Data Hub inclusion.

Not part of the Umbrella hierarchy – This product is not associated with one of the candidates selected on the Umbrella Accounts screen (See the "Can I include data from my company's subsidiaries" question below to learn more) .

License [or Prefix] not managed by GS1 US – The GTIN is valid, but the global GS1 Company Prefix or GS1 license is not recognized because it has not yet been imported via the GDSN upload process.

DH Error Details Tab:

This tab displays any products that failed to import from GDSN. View the Product Import error messages and definitions for details. These messages may indicate an incorrect GTIN structure, invalid data in one of the product attributes, or missing product attribute data. After errors are corrected, the revised products can be resubmitted via a new GDSN upload.

Updated or Already in DH Details Tab:

This tab displays any products that were already stored in GS1 US Data Hub, based on the GTIN that was retrieved from GDSN, or product data that was previously entered or imported into GS1 US Data Hub. 

IP GLNs Aggregation Information Tab:

This tab displays any Information Provider (IP) GLNs that contained “aggregated” GTIN data when the GTIN was uploaded into GS1 US Data Hub. 

For example, a product may have several IP GLN publications, and as a result, may contain multiple "Target Markets" (referred to as "Country of Sale" in GDSN).  In these situations, GS1 US Data Hub collects these Target Markets and adds them to the single product detail record. Certain GTINs may not be imported.

When this data is uploaded, GS1 US Data Hub verifies the following:

- The GTIN structure, GS1 Company Prefix, and check digit are valid;

- GTINs have not been duplicated;

- Certain product attributes (which include the GTIN) have been populated.

Yes, for subsidiaries that have multiple GS1 US accounts, you can make GDSN requests for product data from these companies. Follow these steps:

a. You will need to work with GS1 US to identify these subsidiary companies. These companies will then display on the Manage Umbrella Accounts screen.

b. Under the Enterprise Settings heading, click the Manage Umbrella Accounts screen.

c. Review the subsidiaries to determine which should be included in the next request you make to GDSN to upload product data. Check the box next to the desired candidate(s).

d. Click Save Settings. You can now make requests from GDSN for this product data.

Note: The parent company will not display in the list of candidates, but parent company product data is included in the download by default. 

When you upload GTINs from GDSN into GS1 US Data Hub, all GTIN records are checked for these GDSN attributes:

- Discontinued Date

- Cancelled Date

- endAvailabilityDateTime

If one of these fields is populated in GDSN, and the dates meet these conditions...

- The dates occur before the date being imported, AND

- There is a single Target Market designated for that GTIN;

...Then the GTIN is set to the Archived status in GS1 US Data Hub. Similarly, if ALL of the Target Markets for the GTIN fall under the same date condition, then the GTIN also receives the Archived status.

Click GDSN Settings. Under the GLN Synchronization heading, check the box for the IP GLN(s) you want to remove. Then click the Remove Selected IP GLNs button. 

GS1 US Data Hub will no longer automatically process publications from the IP GLN(s) you had selected. You can resubmit an IP GLN for one-time processing or for automatic publication processing from the GDSN Request tab.

Yes, when you click GDSN Settings and then the Setup IP GLN Import button, check the box for Use this IP GLN for ongoing updates from GDSN. Twice a day, GS1 US Data Hub will check GDSN product information changes in GDSN, and then update the product detail record in GS1 US Data Hub.