What is a Supply Chain

GS1 US Data Hub Help Center

Location View/Use Instructions

GS1 US Data Hub enables you to view Shared and Not Shared GLNs. 

Shared GLNs:

1. From the GS1 US Data Hub main page, click Location on the top Navigation bar, then the View/Use link.

2. The Search shelf displays so you filter by specific GLNs. Select the filters, then click Run Search. In the example below, a specific Industry, Supply Chain Role and GLN Type Status have been selected.

View Use Search Filter


3. GLNs that match your criteria display as Shared on the main View/Use screen. Address information displays for each matching GLN.

To further narrow this search, use the two basic filters, GLN Type or GLN Type Status (you can select either "Active" or "Inactive"). Click the Filter icon button to display the different filter options, then click Apply Filters.

The filter icon turns black on the View/Use screen when a filter setting is selected.


The following features require the Export Add-On subscription

4. To export the GLNs displayed, click the Export button.  To export all GLN data within a GLN hierarchy, click the GLN, then select the Hierarchy tab then Export Hierarchy Data, to download the GLN data. 

Export Hierarchy Data

5. To access the file(s), click the Export Center icon at the top right of the screen and download the Excel file (the most recent exported file is listed at the top).

Export Center Screen
export center icon


6. Open the Excel file or save it to your computer. It's recommended that you change the file name when you save it to your computer.


"Not Shared" GLNs:

You can also request access from an organization that is NOT sharing its GLN data:

1. From Location View/Use page, click the Not Shared tab.

2. Use the filters to narrow search results, then click Run Search. Only "Entity" GLNs - GLNs that identify a company's headquarters - are displayed.

3. Click the REQUEST ACCESS link.  A request will be sent to the organization which manages that GLN; access will not be granted automatically.  

GLN Attributes Explained:

When searching locations that have been shared with you, you can fine-tune your search via multiple fields. For definitions of each of these attributes, view the Location Import Definitions article.

Export via API:
In addition to exporting via spreadsheets, you can also export via API. Learn more about the API Add-On Option.


Location View/Use Module:

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