What is a Supply Chain

GS1 US Data Hub Help Center

Share Products

By default, products that are marked “Purchasable by Consumer” during the creation process are shared with users globally and freely through the Verified by GS1 service.

With this default setting, you can exclude sharing individual products. You also can change this default share setting, and then start sharing products individually. Review these steps below.

You have two methods to stop sharing specific products with both Product View/Use subscribers and global users via the Verified by GS1 service:

Option 1: Stop Sharing an Individual Product:

1. From the My Products page, click the product description for the product you no longer want to share. When the product detail record displays, click Do Not Share This Product, then the Confirm button.

Option 2: Stop Sharing Multiple Products at One Time:

1. From the My Products page, click the Share tab. Then click the Products Excluded from Sharing link. The Products Excluded from Sharing screen displays. Any excluded GTINs are already displayed on this page.

2. Click the Import Product Data Sharing link. The Manage Product Sharing shelf screen displays. 

3. Click Download the Template to download the Exclude spreadsheet. In this spreadsheet, select “Output” in the first column, and enter the GTIN in 14 digits (with two leading zeroes).

4. Repeat these steps for as many GTINs as you want to exclude from sharing, then save the template to your computer. Drag & drop the file or browse for this file on your computer, then click Submit. The file will be uploaded and results will display on the bottom of the screen. 

5. The # Successful column displays the number of GTINs that were successfully processed. If you receive an error, a message displays in the File Name for that GTIN. You can open the original file and make the correction, remove any GTINs that were successfully processed, and submit this file again.

If you have the General User Administrator role assigned, you can stop sharing all of your products.

Click the Administration link, then click Default Share Settings. Uncheck the box for Share Your Products (GTINs), and click Save Settings. In a few minutes, your products will no longer be shared with Product View/Use subscribers, or with global users via the Verified by GS1 service.

However, you can still share an individual product, if needed.

If you have turned off the "Share Your Products (GTINs)" setting, meaning you are NOT sharing all products, you can still share a single product:

1. From the My Products page, locate the In Use product you want to share, and click the "product description" link. The Share Settings area is displayed on the right.

2. To share this product with all Product View/Use subscribers, as well as global users via the Verified by GS1 service, click the button for Share This Product. When the Caution window displays, click Confirm.

share a product

In a few minutes, this product will be shared with Product View/Use subscribers and globally via the Verified by GS1 service. To view all products that you are sharing, visit the My Products screen and click the Sharing tab. You can also stop sharing these products from this screen.