Supply Chain Roles identify the functions and responsibilities of various entities within the supply chain.
3rd Party Logistics Provider: Supply chain role that offers logistics services to other companies, including transportation, courier, warehousing, and distribution.
Distributor: Supply chain role that buys products from manufacturers and sells them to retailers or other businesses.
Hospital Provider: Supply chain role that provides financial services, including banking, investment, and insurance.
Manufacturer: Supply chain role that produces goods from raw materials, contracts manufacturing, or co-packs/re-packs through various processes.
Operator: Supply chain role that manages and oversees the day-to-day operations of a business or facility.
Packer: Supply chain role that focuses specifically on preparing food and drink for shipment, sale, and delivery.
Provider/Dispenser: Supply chain role describing a pharmacy within a hospital or retail store.
Repackager: Supply chain role that repackages goods into different containers or formats for distribution.
Seller: Supply chain role for the last known party by whom the goods are sold or agreed to be sold.
Undefined: Supply chain role that has not been specifically defined or categorized.
Wholesaler/Distributor: Supply chain role that buys products in bulk from manufacturers and sells them to retailers or other businesses.