Select the GeoShape Type (Circle, Line, or Polygon), and GeoShape Coordinates.
GLN Address Recommendations
Here are some recommended ways to enter the Name and Address fields for a Global Location Number (GLN) in GS1 US Data Hub. If you select the "Fixed Physical" or "Mobile Physical" GLN Type, the Address Line 1, City, State and Zip Code fields are required. You must select one or more of these address types:
Here's an example of the Name and Address fields:
Name: Tasty Harvest Headquarters
Name 2: The Joan Smith Plant
Address Line 1: 789 Tasty Lane
Address Line 2: Shipping and Receiving
Address Line 3: Receiving Area #1
If you select Street or Postal Address, GS1 US Data Hub performs two address checks when you publish this GLN:
- Verifies that Address Line 1, City, State and Zip Code exist in the US Postal Service (USPS) database. If the data exists in the USPS database, an “Address Verification” message displays. If this address does not exist, a "No Match" message displays. You can still publish the GLN by clicking the Proceed as Not Verified button;
- Checks the addresses of all published GLNs in GS1 US Data Hub. If this USPS address already exists for another GLN, the "Potential Duplicate Location" message displays. You can differentiate the address by entering data in the Address Line 2 or Address Line 3 fields.
Note: Address information is optional if you select either the Legal Entity or Function GLN Type. You can uncheck the box for Street or Postal Address and leave the address fields blank.
If you have entered a street or postal address, you can click the Get GPS Coordinates link to display the Latitude and Longitude coordinates automatically.
For the Regulated Healthcare Industry:
Here are recommended ways to enter the Name and Address fields, based on the type of trading partner:
Name: Name of Practice
Address Line 1: USPS Street Address
Address Line 2: Suite or Building #
Address Line 3: Physician's Name
Name: Name of Pharmacy (including Store Number)
Address Line 1: USPS Street Address
Address Line 2: Suite or Building #
Address Line 3: PO Box
Name: Name of Clinic
Address Line 1: USPS Street Address
Address Line 2: Suite or Building #
Address Line 3: Physician's Name or PO Box
Name: Name of Hospital
Address Line 1: USPS Street Address
Address Line 2: Suite or Building #
Address Line 3: Department, Unit
Name: Name of Location or Facility - 340B
Address Line 1: USPS Street Address
Address Line 2: Suite or Building #
Name: Name of Location or Facility
Address Line 1: USPS Street Address
Address Line 2: Suite or Building #
Address Line 3: Loading Dock, Functional Area
Name: Name of Location or Facility
Address Line 1: USPS Street Address
Address Line 2: Suite or Building #
Address Line 3: Loading Dock, Functional Area