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GS1 US Data Hub Help Center

How to Import Locations

This article explains steps you can take to import locations. For definitions of each column in the template, view the Import Locations - Definitions article.

Note: Make sure your Top Level GLN is “Published” before you import any “Published” GLNs. The Top Level GLN may be entered as “Administrative Parent” or “Parent Org” for any GLN you are importing.

1. To import locations, click Location from the top navigation bar, then the Import Locations link.

2. Click the Download Template button to download an Excel spreadsheet template so you can enter this data, then import this file into GS1 US Data Hub. This template does not include any pre-populated data. 

Columns in bold are required. Columns have specific colors based on the GLN Type you are assigning to the GLN. The first 12 columns (A through L) are in blue and apply to the entire GLN.

3. Save the template to your computer. 

Note: When you save this file, do not include the following symbols in the filename, otherwise you will receive an error when you process the file: ; / ? : @ = & " < > # % {  } |  \ ^ ~ [  ] `(  )

4. Open the template and enter party or location data. To learn which values can be entered in columns, click the “Input Values” tab at the bottom of the template. You can copy a value from the Input Values tab and paste it in the appropriate column.

Leave the GLN column blank to have GS1 US Data Hub assign the GLN:
If you have not assigned a GLN to this location or party, leave the GLN column blank (as shown on the screen below). GS1 US Data Hub will automatically add the next available GLN, based on the GS1 Company Prefix you enter. 

GLN Blank in Import template

Already have a GLN assigned to this location or party?
Perhaps the GLN was created in another system. You can enter that GLN in the GLN column. GS1 US Data Hub will verify that this GLN is not already saved in GS1 US Data Hub, and is constructed properly based on the GS1 Company Prefix you have entered.

Validate a GLN Before You Import:
The Validate Only column enables you to check the data of a GLN BEFORE you import the GLN into GS1 US Data Hub. If you select “Y” in this column, all standard data validations are run against the GLN, and error messages will be displayed in the “Results” file. If there are no errors, you will need to return to the original file, leave the Validate Only column blank, or select "N", and submit the data again. 

View the Import Locations - Definitions article for definitions of each column.  

5. After you have completed entering the Import template, drag & drop the file into the “Upload” area of the Import screen, or click the Browse Files link and select the file from your computer. The filename will display in the File to Import window. 

Import Locations as Approved box: Do you have the "Approval Process" enabled? Check this box to have locations imported as already “Approved,” so users with an “Approve” role will not need to approve each location individually.

6. Click the Import Locations button.
GS1 US Data Hub processes the data. An “Uploading” progress bar displays. Results are displayed at the bottom half of the screen. Click the Refresh Table button every minute or so to view the latest status. When the data is processed, “Complete” displays in the Status column. You can now view the records on the Managed Locations screen.

A number displays in the #Error column. Click the file name to view the errors. To correct these errors and upload the unsuccessful records, open the Location template you had uploaded earlier and delete all of the records that were processed correctly.

Make the corrections as noted, then save this file. Then upload this updated file again using the steps outlined above. 

First, filter the GLNs you want to update, then select “Export results for import” from the Export drop-down. 

Save this template to your computer. For each record, select "Update" in the Action column, and make your changes to the data. Save the file, then import the template using the steps above.

View the Update Multiple Locations at Once article for more details.

export results for import