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GS1 US Data Hub Help Center

Update Multiple Locations at Once

You may need to make "bulk changes" to multiple locations or parties in GS1 US Data Hub.

Rather than view each GLN record and make the change individually, you can export these GLNs, make the changes in the template, and then import the updated GLN data back into GS1 US Data Hub. Follow these steps:

a. Click Location from the navigation bar. All of your organization's locations and parties are displayed on the Manage Locations page.

b. If you only need to update a subset of these GLNs, click More Search Options. The Search shelf displays. Enter your search filters, then click Run Search. The number of GLNs matching your filtering criteria display on the Manage Locations screen.

c. On the Manage Locations page, you can then further filter GLNs by GLN StateGLN Type, and Status (as shown here).

Location Filter

Select Export results for import from the Export drop-down, located on the right-side of the screen.

When the Exporting location data window displays, click Ok to confirm. 

Submit for approval button

Click the Export icon to view the Export Center. Files are listed in order of most recently generated. 

Export Center icon

a. Click the Export File Name. The file is downloaded and based on the browser you’re using, the filename will display on the screen, so you can click the file to open.

Note: GLNs are listed in either the Draft or Published state, and all attributes are provided, and listed under the appropriate GLN Type column.


b. Open the spreadsheet and select Update in the Action column (Column A). Then change the data in the template. See the Import Template Definitions article for details on each column.

Note: The Validate Only column in the Import Template enables you to have GS1 US Data Hub “validate” the data BEFORE GS1 US Data Hub applies any updates. If you select “Y” in the Validate Only column, GS1 US Data Hub performs data validation checks for this proposed GLN, and identifies any errors in the results file. However, this GLN will not be added until you return to the original file, select “N” in the Validate Only column (or leave the column blank) and import the original file again.

Import locations as approved: If your company has enabled the Approval Process, then this option displays for users who are assigned the “Approval Import” role. Select this box to have locations imported as already “Approved,” so users with an “Approve” role will not need to approve each location individually.

a. Save the file to your computer. From the the Import Locations screen, drag & drop the file - or click the Browse Files link - to upload the file from your computer. 

b. Click the Import Locations button. GS1 US Data Hub will process the data and displays the results at the bottom half of the screen. An “Uploading” progress bar will display. The uploading process may take a few minutes to reach the “Complete” status.

c. Click the Refresh Table button to display the Status as the file moves from “File Uploaded” to “Complete.” The numbers in these rows indicate how items were processed:

#Processed: This is the number of Location records that went through the import process.

#Successful: Number of Location records that were successfully uploaded into GS1 US Data Hub | Location.

#Errors: Number of Location records in the import file that produced errors and were not successfully uploaded into GS1 US Data Hub | Location. Click the results file to view the error, then return to your original file to make the correction, and submit the report again.

Location Import Results