In the Administration area of GS1 US Data Hub, click the Location (GLNs) User Permission link, then click the desired user. You can now assign the following permissions:
Roles Related to the Location Approval Process:
Edit: Create and update location information.
Approval Import: When the user is importing GLNs, this enables the user to check the box for “Import location data as approved.” This is useful if your company has a separate Approver role and you want to auto-approve the locations during the import process.
Approve: The Approver accepts, rejects or cancels requests from the Editors.
Additional Roles:
Import: Import location information into GS1 US Data Hub | Location.
GPO: The GPO role gains visibility into GPO or wholesaler-controlled GLNs. This is for Managed GLN subscribers (healthcare) only.
Audit: This role enables a user to have “view only” privileges, in which the user can see all locations managed by the organization. This user cannot edit a location.