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GS1 US Data Hub Help Center

Location Approval Process

GS1 US Data Hub provides a “Location Approval Process” that enables your organization to apply an approval workflow when locations and parties are created or updated.

Location Approval Process

First, you need to enable the Approval Process. Then you can assign edit and approve roles (referred to as "user permissions" in GS1 US Data Hub) to specific users. Follow the steps below.

This module outlines the steps for enabling the Location Approval process. Written instructions are below.

1. Click Administration from the GS1 US Data Hub navigation bar.

Administration link

2. Click the Location (GLN) Approvals link.  Check the Box for Enable Location Approvals Process, then click the Save Settings button. 

3. Stay in the Administration area and click the Location (GLN) User Permissions link. Click a specific user, assign a Location User Permission, and click Save Settings:

Edit: user is an “Editor” who can create and update location information.
Import: user is an "Importer" who can import multiple GLNs.
Approval Import: user can check a box so that location data is imported as approved. This is useful if you don’t want the user with the Approve permission to receive an approval email request for each location you are importing. 
Approve: user is an “Approver” and can accept, reject or cancel requests from “Editors” or “Importers.”  

4. The Approval Process is now enabled, and users have received their specific permissions. When the users click Location on the main navigation bar, the Edits in Progress and Pending Approval tabs display on the Managed Locations page, based on the permissions they have received.

Edits in Progress: 
Editors have saved edits to GLNs, but have not yet clicked Submit for Approval.

Pending Approvals: 
Editors clicked Submit for Approval and GLNs now await Approvers to either “Approve” or “Reject” these changes.

Location Approval Process Tabs

This module explains how users with the "Edit" and "Approve" roles can use the Location Approval process. Written instructions are below.

1. Users with the Edit Permission: 
When you create a new location or party and click Publish, the GLN remains in a Draft state, and also moves to the Pending Approvals tab.

When you make changes to a location or party, click the Edits in Progress tab. Click the GLN, then the Submit for Approval button. This GLN moves to the Pending Approvals tab.

Submit for approval button

2. Users with the Approve Permission:
Click the Pending Approvals tab to view GLNs that have been submitted for approval. 

- If you approve these changes, click the Approve button; 

- If you do NOT approve these changes, click the Reject button. You must then provide a comment for the Editor. The GLN is returned to the My Locations page.

Editors can review comments by clicking the Approval History tab, and make any changes.

Approve button

Note: If you are importing GLN data, check the box for Import locations as approved so that the Approver does not need to approve each of the GLNs being entered.

Import as approved