What is a Supply Chain

GS1 US Data Hub Help Center

Company View/Use Subscription

GS1 US Data Hub® | Company is an intuitive, secure online tool that provides source-based (not crowd-sourced), validated data on GS1 Company Prefix ownership.

When you subscribe to Company View/Use, you can perform an online search under Company View/Use to search by Company Name, GS1 Company Prefix, GTIN or GLN. The optional Export Add on subscription enables you to export download search results.

Search by Company Name:

1. Click Company from the navigation menu.
The View/Use search page displays.

2. From the Company tab, type in the company name (or partial name).
Search results will populate based on a “contain” filter. 
Note: To display only companies that match the text exactly in the Company Name field, check the “Exact Match Only” button.

3. Click Search.
The Search Results will display the matching names and their GS1 Company Prefixes.

4. Export Your Results (Optional Export Add on subscription)
Click Export Search Results to download these results in an Excel spreadsheet. Click the Export Center icon to view the file.

Note: an optional API Add-On is also available.
Learn more about the API Add-On.

Export Center icon

Company User Guide: